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Hula Monitoring Project and Agriculture Research

The Hula monitoring program (led by Idan Barnea) is a long term multidisciplinary effort. For the last 20 years we annually monitor multilevel changes in the 'Hula Project' ecosystem in a-biotic and biotic aspects: meteorology, ground water level, Hydrochemistry, phytoplankton, Vegetation, aquatic invertebrates, fish, mammals and birds. The effort is a joint project conducted by researchers and experts for each aspect and funded by the National Water Authority, KKL and the farmers of the 'Peat convention'.

On the short time scale, the monitoring program aim is to deliver management tools and recommendations to the stakeholders. In the long run, the purpose of the program is to provide well based knowledge to achieve and establish a more balanced and healthy ecosystem.

The Agriculture Research Station specializes on crops grown on peat soils. The onsite fields and infrastructure allows researchers from various institutes to explore new methods and guide the local farming.

The research conducted in this station has already shaped the way crops are grown today in the Hula Valley.

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A Collaborative & Diverse Group


Idan Barnea

Head and Coordinator of the Hula monitoring, MIGAL

Idan is the 'Hula Project' Ecological monitoring Coordinator (MIGAL - Galilee Research Institute) for the last decade. He supervises, coordinate and actively participate in research and monitoring work of biotic and a-biotic aspects.
Idan did his undergraduate studies at the department of Environment Sciences at Tel-Hai Academic College and his M. Sc.Agr. thesis (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Faculty of Agriculture) focused on reexamination of the Phosphorus Fertilizing Practices in the Altered Wetland Soils of Hula Valley.
Currently he  is about to submit his PhD thesis: "Evaluation of vegetated agricultural drainage ditches (VADD) to reduce phosphorous leaching from farm fields to waterways" To the The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The main idea of this work is to retain the historical function of the former wetlands as the 'kidney of nature' by using the current agriculture drainage ditces as a constructed wetland.


Tito Natanzon

Head of the Agriculture research Center

Tito's role in the research center is composed of several activities. He coordinates the factors that operate at the research center, as well as the agricultural experiments. In addition, he is responsible for maintaining the water levels of the Hula Project, including the canals and the Agmon. Tito also has a role in the routine testing of the project area and the groundwater level.


Ezra Yasour

A man of vision

Ezra was the founder of the Hula Research Center. His enthusiasm and passion leads the way of research and monitoring in the Hula. Ezra currently focuses on reintroducing threatened plant species.


Dr. Onn Rabinovitz

Agriculture Researcher

I am involved in agriculture research and extention services in Hula valley.

In the last 28 years i've been working  mainly on the Hula project agriculture  fields, by focusing on the agriculture - environment interactions and developing and solving the problems of the agriculture of the hula peat reclaimed soils.    




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